Classes are a great way to hear directly from your employees in order to shape cultural changes within your company. We recommend starting with a few individual classes to figure out exactly where your employees want to focus. From there, we’ll work together to form a more long-term plan.

90-minute classes consist of BHB-led educational content and moderated small group discussions and can be held anytime during work hours in your office or over Zoom.

Individual Classes

Individual classes are intended to break the ice and spark conversation. When you start with the foundational courses, your company is already on its way toward meaningful change.

Pricing is based on company size and starts at $2,000. Classes are 2-hours and can be held anytime during business hours.

  • Discovering and Dismantling Biases In The Creative Industry
  • Women, Let’s Check In
  • BIPOC, Let’s Check In
  • So, You Want To Be An Ally? (Gender)
  • So, You Want To Be An Ally? (Race)
  • How To Start An ERG Dedicated to DEI
  • How To Maintain DEI Momentum

Dedicated Class Series

If you’re comfortable being uncomfortable, this option is perfect for you and your company. Get ready to dive in and discuss a subject in detail with four individual classes at your pace. Contact us today to discuss which classes make the most sense for your company.

Pricing is based on company size and starts at $7,500. Classes are 2-hours and can be held anytime during business hours.


Perhaps you’re just getting started or you’ve been trying to implement something like Babes Helpin’ Babes for a while. In our 30 or 60-minute coaching sessions, we’ll listen, support and offer advice to you and your company based on our work and research.

30 or 60-minute coaching sessions are available over Zoom for both employees and HR directors.

Start Your Diversity Coaching Today.

-Free 30-minute Zoom Introduction Call
-$200 60-minute Zoom coaching session
-$100 30-minute Zoom coaching session
BEST VALUE: $2,000 for 12 monthly, 60-minute Zoom sessions

(Please note that this investment should be covered by your company. We will not accept payment from individuals.)

Tips for Starting a DEI CommitteeCommon Coaching QuestionsBHB Services


You have big goals for your company, but without diversity, equity and inclusion, your company is missing a large opportunity for better creative work, company culture and revenue. Let’s discuss where your company is currently and what DEI goals we can set.

30 or 60-minute consulting sessions are available over Zoom for CEOs and company leadership.

Start Your Diversity Consulting Today.

-Free 30-minute Introduction Call
-$200 60-minute Zoom consulting session
-$100 30-minute Zoom consulting session
BEST VALUE: $2,000 for 12 monthly, 60-minute Zoom sessions
ERGs Can Promote Your DEI GoalsOutline Of Our ServicesOutline Of Our Introduction Process

Interested, but not sure Babes Helpin’ Babes is right for your company? Contact us today for a free 30-minute introduction call
